
Targeted Transformation

LEAN principles may seem like a big business philosophy but it is ideal for improving the operations efficiency of businesses of all sizes. For advanced or growing enterprises, we focus on targeted improvements to reduce mistakes and focus efforts in the right places. Our multi-step process is based on a scientific method to achieve the major objective.


The first step is where we identify the waste, develop a continuous improvement culture, gain skills, define strategy, and then prioritise the areas for improvement. 

  • Current State Mapping (CSM):  SK Banerji’s first step is to start by sketching out the value stream map of the current state. The VSM helps in identifying processes that are working out and those that are not adding value. 
  • Gap Analysis: At this step, we work on identifying the lag between the current state and the ideal LEAN state. This is carried out by evaluating how much value each process is adding or whether they are adding any value or not. 
  • Future State Mapping (FSM): Once we have identified the gaps, we roll out a roadmap based on the improvements required to turn the  ‘targeted’ processes into value-generating processes. 


The second step is the implementation phase. After identifying the superfluous and unproductive processes that are undermining the organisation’s productivity in the planning stage, we chart out a  roadmap that guides us on how to weed out wasteful activities and ensure that every single one of these principles leads to a direct business benefit. With the application of LEAN approaches like SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Die) and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), we reinforce a phase wise TPM journey for business process improvement, process monitoring and improvement, and supply chain analysis and management with the objective for:

  • Focused improvement
  • Lower costs
  • Heightened workplace safety
  • Planned maintenance
  • Education and training
  • Higher quality and fewer defects

SK Banerji’s ecosystem also offers technical and motivation training for the members at different levels.


The most overlooked part of the process, this is the phase in which we review the results to evaluate them against the outlined criteria. In this phase, we monitor and analyse progress monthly, create regular evaluation summaries and refine the improvement measures over time.  We implement the 4T model:

  • TQM – Total Quality Management
  • TQC – Total Quality Control
  • TPM – Total Productive Maintenance
  • TPS – Toyota Production System

The goal of TPM is to maximise the Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) and minimize production losses.


Once the issues have been identified and resolved, we help organisations take corrective actions to achieve the desired results. This step takes into account the:

  • Process Monitoring & Improvement
  • Equipment Efficiency Improvement

To sustain the ‘LEAN’ and efficient framework of your organization we offer manpower training and LEAN training to all the employees in different levels. 

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