Integrating Purpose, People, Process with technology for profitable growth

Welcome to SK Banerji’s Ecosystem

The timeless wisdom you need to achieve transformational results
SK Banerji’s ecosystem is a cluster of leading consulting firms that has led major and diverse business operations, yielding sustainable, holistic and inclusive growth since 2001. Our Lean heritage runs deep with four decades of extensive expertise in Lean Thinking and operational excellence. We infuse lean tools and principles such as the 5S system, Lean 6 sigma, TPM, TQM, VSM, and Kaizen concepts into every facet of business operations, helping organizations embark on an evolutionary path to operational and business excellence.

Welcome to SK Banerji’s Ecosystem

The timeless wisdom you need to achieve transformational results

SK Banerji’s ecosystem is a cluster of leading consulting firms that has led major and diverse business operations, yielding sustainable, holistic and inclusive growth since 2001. Our LEAN heritage runs deep with four decades of extensive expertise in LEAN Thinking and operational excellence. We infuse LEAN tools and principles such as the 5S system, LEAN Six Sigma, TPM, TQM, VSM and Kaizen concepts into every facet of business operations, helping organizations embark on an evolutionary path to operational and business excellence.

Our Services

Develop a customised LEAN implementation strategy to achieve significant performance improvements in operations and business processes
Operational Excellence
We create and help deploy strategies to build a culture embedded in rapid improvements and long-term initiatives to set you on an evolutionary path of continuous improvement that achieves measured and exponential efficiency in your organization’s core operations.
Business Process Improvement
We take a robust approach to identify the critical areas in business processes that can be optimized, simplified, enhanced or eliminated to reduce non-value-added streams of activities. We also help extend your value stream optimizations to your supplier value chain.
Performance Monitoring & Improvement
We monitor the key performance indicators to foster an environment of continuous learning, development and implementation.
Manpower Development
We follow an integrated approach to harness human potential via training and development.
Equipment Efficiency Improvement
We focus on improving the productivity of manufacturing equipment to improve process efficiency and reduce operating expenses.
Supply Chain Analysis and Management
We evaluate the supply chain activities to identify the bottlenecks and improve the supply chain operations.
Digitization and Automation
We help organisations implement the power of data, leveraging leading indicators that give meaningful evidence-based inputs using digital tools and applied AI.
Lean Training
We provide extensive training with hands-on experience to upskill your team.
Advance Placement Services
With our vast network of talented, experienced and trained acquaintances, we have an excellent track record of C-level (CEO, CTO, CFO) and senior management-level placements in large, corporate and MSMEs.

Key differentiators

Obsessed with customer value enhancement
Prioritise customer needs
Strive towards continual improvement
Minimise waste, ensure sustainability

Streamline Your Business and Boost your Operational Efficiency with 5S

We leverage the 5S methodology to transform business processes by reducing costs, improving product quality, and creating a more productive and safe workspace.

The 5S methodology consists of five principles-

  • Sort (Seiri)
  • Set in order (Seiton)
  • Shine (Seiso)
  • Standardize (Seiketsu)
  • Sustain (Shitsuke)

We assess the existing systems and processes, remove what’s unnecessary, organize them, suggest some changes and implement those changes on a continual basis.

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