

The automotive industry is shifting gears. As a highly dynamic and interactive business, the industry is rapidly spinning towards technological advancements, inviting new operational disruptions and increasing consumer expectations. As a major industrial and economic force worldwide, the automotive sector has been a trendsetter from the days of the first assembly line put in motion by Henry Ford. The technology adopted by this segment is inherently followed on by other verticals sooner or later.

With the changing dynamics, automotive manufacturers and suppliers have to expedite consistently in order to make the production process more efficient, faster, cheaper and resistant to any problems. This is where LEAN Transformation comes into practice to match the transition in all the aspects of decision-making from operations, and product design to production, sales and marketing

Challenges faced by the Automotive industry

  1. Changing societal trends
  2. Sales slowdown
  3. Shifting trends
  4. Rising commodity costs
  5. Production shutdowns
  6. Supply chain disruptions

How SK Banerji drives change in the automotive world

Mr. Banerji in his journey in India’s leading automotive company has worked in various capacities ranging from production, maintenance to material handling. He helped improve the value stream stability within the organisation while extensively extending the benefits to the entire value chain of supplies. He played an instrumental role in deploying the country’s first e-Nagare system to reduce inventory and timely delivery. 

Navigating through a confluence of challenges, SK Banerji brings in an alternative strategy – LEAN MANAGEMENT – to establish continuous improvement in the business. This is carried out by identifying the company’s value stream and then systematically removing all waste. 

Our methodologies are based on the ‘Toyota Production System’. Our team houses senior consultants who have achieved basic and advanced training at Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan, and at AOTS (Association of Overseas Technical Scholarship) with Black Belt and qualified Lead Auditors for ISO. With over 25 years of hands-on experience in implementing LEAN in different areas such as production, maintenance, materials management, supply chain management, vendor upgradation, quality control, and project management, we have directed significant results within different verticals of business. All our consultants have exposure to Manufacturing Excellence, TQM and TPM that helps streamline decision-making and improve every aspect of the business process.

With us, automotive OEMs will learn:

  • to adapt to the changing technological landscape
  • to minimise inventory levels at all stages of production
  • to improve labour productivity
  • to adapt operations in a data-driven world
  • to strive for perfection by continually removing waste
  • to be the leader instead of being led

In the auto sector, we apply several principles and techniques that include Kaizen, 5S, TPM and TQM. 

Stay ahead of the curve. Connect with us today to learn more.  

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